
Eric Stille

GIS Analyst

Eric joined the Earth Data Incorporated team in early 2020. He is a James Madison University graduate who earned his bachelor’s degree in Geographic Science with a focus on Applied Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

While at James Madison University, Eric originally focused on intelligence analysis, but after seeing the application of GIS, he switched majors. He liked its flexibility, saying that, “It is almost universal. You can use it in any field.” He will provide Earth Data with his skill in GIS by creating Urban Tactical Planning (UTP) datasets for the U.S. Army Geospatial Center, one of Earth Data’s government clients.

Travel has become a recent hobby for Eric. In 2019, he spent a month in South America learning the customs and the language of native speakers. His expertise in GIS mapping has fueled his passion and provided him a window into regions of the world he has yet to discover on foot.