How We Help
Construction MANAGEMENT and inspection
Earth Data provides comprehensive Construction Management and Inspection (CM/I) services over a wide range of water supply and environmental projects. Earth Data’s inspectors are OSHA 10-hour certified, receive annual training in American Red Cross first aid and CPR, and have completed Erosion and Sediment Control training as required by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE). Earth Data has provided CM/I services for the construction, development, testing, sampling, redevelopment, reconstruction and abandonment of literally hundreds of wells ranging in depth from less than 100 feet to more than 2,000 feet deep.
All inspectors are provided with 4G-enabled tablets. We have developed a series of custom-designed inspection and reporting forms using the Fulcrum mobile platform. These forms are maintained on Earth Data’s server and can be uploaded to the cloud to provide timely, accurate information anywhere, at any time, during any phase of construction.
Exploration and Testing
Earth Data geologists and hydrogeologists are highly qualified and trained to assess the sustained yields of wells, well fields and aquifers, the interference between wells and well fields, the relationship between groundwater withdrawals and surface water flow, and water quality. Additionally, our team will analyze the ongoing effectiveness of a proposed withdrawal on existing groundwater users.
With current and relevant knowledge and expertise about existing and proposed regulations, our team assists in all stages of groundwater appropriation permitting, acting as a credible liaison with regulatory agencies. Earth Data’s established technical support team provides each client with the expertise to evaluate sites and analyze data to meet permit requirements and deadlines.
With extensive training on protocols and equipped with the appropriate tools and controls, Earth Data ensures that data collection, analysis and services provided will meet or exceed regulatory and client criteria.