Earth Data Employees Help For All Seasons Get Ready for Frosty’s Arrival in Easton
Employees of Earth Data, Inc. again donated volunteers this holiday season to help For All Seasons set up for their third annual Frosty’s Holiday Village event on Friday, December 1 at Anchor Church in Easton.
Pictured left to right are Earth Data, Inc. employees Scott Wolf, Ron McDonald, Ted Trumbull, and Jeff Chipman.
Several hundred families and individuals participated in For All Seasons’ third annual Frosty’s Holiday Village event on Friday, December 1, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Anchor Church in Easton, MD. Participants represented all ages and ethnicities. Guests at the free community event strolled through the holiday displays and enjoyed free activities, including professional photos with Frosty, holiday crafts, complimentary cocoa, cider, and winter treats, a book giveaway and Carlos the Juggler, both sponsored by the Talbot County Free Library, and a continuous showing of Frosty's Winter Wonderland on the big screen. Even Bumble the Abominable Snowman, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and the Grinch were on hand. Mid-South Audio also provided a DJ for the event.
“Guests enjoyed the event being inside and in more comfortable surroundings this year. There was an intimate feel where people could visit with one another and stay warm throughout the evening. We had dozens of volunteers on hand, in addition to our For All Seasons staff. A special thank you to Earth Data, Inc. employees for setting up all of the Frosty Holiday Village inflatables for the second year in a row,” stated Kelsey Trumbull-Meyers, For All Seasons Events Coordinator.
Ted Trumbull anchors Frosty the Snowman in front of Anchor Church in Easton to welcome participants to this year’s Frosty’s Holiday Village Event hosted by For All Seasons.
“We enjoyed helping again at this year’s For All Seasons’ event and appreciate Earth Data’s commitment to community service so that we as employees can have an impact on community events like this one that benefit everyone,” comments Ted Trumbull, Operations Manager at Earth Data, Inc.
Ted Trumbull of Earth Data, Inc. hugs his daughter Kelsey Trumbull, For All Seasons Events Coordinator, while setting up the inflatables at this year’s event.
In addition to giving back through its environmental work, the Earth Data Giving Program encourages all Earth Data Incorporated employees to help others. It provides employees with paid public-service hours for volunteer work done to support local charities and others, such as helping feed school kids on the weekends, cleaning hiking trails, supporting elementary school reading and science programs, and teaching kids about the world around them by using maps and GIS.